Tag: drug screen

We're There

I’m There: David Bustos

February 15, 2018

David Bustos works with collection sites nationwide, providing hands-on training for collectors. His passion is education and working with people gives him a deep sense of purpose. Read the full story.


Valentine’s Day: Chocolate, flowers, and… cocaine?

February 14, 2018

Seventy-five percent of flowers sold in the U.S. are imported from Colombia and 90% of cocaine comes from Colombia as well. Coincidence?

Ask the Experts

Webinar: Understanding drug testing laws

February 13, 2018

Employers turn to drug-free programs to help keep employees safe and productive; however they still have questions about running an effective program.


DOT random rates unchanged

February 6, 2018

The US Department of Transportation announced that the minimum annual drug testing rate for 2018 will remain at 25% and the alcohol rate will remain at 10%.


Inspiring young scientists in Atlanta

January 31, 2018

Our Atlanta laboratory created a new mentorship program for young scientists in the community. They wanted to create a hands-on environment for students to experience science from their own perspectives, and maybe even inspire a career choice.


Opioid crisis: 174 lives lost daily

January 29, 2018

More than 63,600 people died from a drug overdose in 2016, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the CDC.

We're There

I’m There: Christina Salamone

January 15, 2018

In this month’s feature of our “I’m There” series, Christina describes what we’re there when you need us means to him.

Ask the Experts

Staying compliant with new DOT regulations

November 29, 2017

New DOT regulations add four opioids: hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone to the test panel. Our experts answer your questions.

Urine testing

Clarifying the changes in federal workplace drug testing & documentation

November 10, 2017

Changes to the federal drug testing panel and paperwork are forthcoming, but for now you should continue testing as usual.

Oral Fluid testing

Ask the Experts: Cheating an oral fluid drug test

November 2, 2017

The best way to pass an oral fluid drug test is to not take drugs for several days leading up to the test, or preferably never. To date, we have not found any adulterants that can successfully mask drugs in an oral fluid test, nor are we aware of any devices used to cheat an oral fluid test.