Tag: customer service
I’m There: Bill Rhone
Employer Solutions shares a commitment to being there when our clients and colleagues need us – at every possible opportunity.
A drug testing provider you can rely on
Our commitment to our customers is simple – we want to show that we’re there when you need us. It's our intentional, every day focus.
Our continuous quest towards improving customer satisfaction
We have made key improvements to our collection services, customer support and laboratory operations in an effort to improve customer satisfaction.
Customer support improvements
Our new Interactive Voice Response system will provide newly updated options for all inbound calls into our 1-800-877-7484 customer support line.
Industry leadership – Exceptional service
The fifth and final driver in our series on drug testing industry leadership is Exceptional Service.
New to drug testing: We’re there
We believe it’s not enough to simply deliver results, but instead we strive to be there for our clients through every step of the drug testing process.
New to drug testing: Customer service
Our Customer Support Center is open twelve hours a day and is staffed by more than 30 representatives.
Positive recommendation
About six months ago, we switched from that other lab and we haven't had a problem yet.
Quest Diagnostics – By the numbers
How would you rate your drug testing laboratory on these four pillars of a solid provider? At Quest Diagnostics, we consistently strive to excel in these four key areas. Here's how...