Author: Pablo Bolaños

We're There

I’m There: Doug Meiser

January 18, 2016

Employer Solutions shares a commitment to being there when our clients and colleagues need us – at every possible opportunity.

Illicit drugs

Why is heroin so addictive?

December 28, 2015

Users build up a tolerance to the drug and need larger amounts resulting in a cycle of deepening drug use eventually leading to full blown addiction


More teens dying from drug overdoses

December 15, 2015

An upsurge in overdose deaths is related increased heroin use. Some 45% of people who use heroin are also addicted to prescription painkillers.

We're There

I’m There: Dr. Barry Sample

December 7, 2015

Employer Solutions shares a commitment to being there when our clients and colleagues need us – at every possible opportunity.

Illicit drugs

Four in 10 Americans admit to using marijuana

November 10, 2015

The latest issue of CESAR FAX reports findings from a recent Gallup Poll where more than 1,000 Americans were asked if they have ever tried marijuana.

We're There

I’m There: Amy Bower

November 9, 2015

Employer Solutions shares a commitment to being there when our clients and colleagues need us – at every possible opportunity.

Synthetic drugs

The DEA crackdown on synthetic drugs

November 4, 2015

With growing public concern in mind, the DEA launched a 15 month counteractive campaign to combat the manufacturing and distribution of designer drugs


The life of a drug test

October 30, 2015

From collection to result, Quest Diagnostics experts detail the journey of a drug test specimen through our laboratory.


The dangers of “drugged driving”

October 14, 2015

Public awareness of the dangers of drugged driving is low. To increase awareness, a guide was created to help states act proactively.

We're There

I’m There: Bob McCormick

October 9, 2015

Through the unique stories from our team, you'll get a more personal perspective at what that commitment means to them.