Author: Pablo Bolaños
I’m There: Jonni Salamone
In this month’s feature of our “I’m There” series, Jonni describes what we’re there when you need us means to her.
Veterans, PTSD, and substance use disorders
Many veterans struggle with mental health issues as well as substance use disorders. Lean more about what resources exist to help increase awareness.
Hair drug test procedures
We’ve created a hair drug testing guide to help add clarity to each step of the collections process.
International drug and alcohol trends
The IFDAT conference brings thought leaders together to share best practices about how to keep global workplaces safe, productive, and drug-free.
I’m There: Claudia Padilla
In this month’s feature of our “I’m There” series, Claudia describes what we’re there when you need us means to her.
Accept the challenge: Drug-free work week
Help spread the word and encourage your organization to participate in the National Drug-Free Work Week, October 16-21.
Cincinnati: A 7-day look into heroin addiction
In Cincinnati, 60 journalists, photographers, and videographers sought out to document the life of those affected by heroin and opioids.
I’m There: Stephany Hazeldine
In this month’s feature of our “I’m There” series, Stephany describes what we’re there when you need us means to her.
Addiction recovery: A celebration of life
National Recovery Month in September raises awareness about substance use disorders and celebrate individuals in recovery.
An exploration of addiction: Trauma and adult substance abuse
Substance use disorders are complex and sometimes trauma can push someone across the very thin line between a casual drug habit and addiction.