Drug-Free Work Week is an annual activity in October to promote health and safety in the workplace. The inaugural Drug-Free Work Week in 2006 was established to encourage organizations to plan efforts focused on alcohol and drug abuse prevention. The campaign heightens awareness and encourages workers who struggle with alcohol and drug issues to seek help. Some ideas for the Drug-Free Work Week include:
  • Launch a corporate drug-free workplace program
  • Educate employees about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse and its negative impact on their career paths
  • Offer resources for assistance with abuse such as Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or Member Assistance Program (MAP)
  • Train leadership to champion a drug-free work environment
  • Create communication and events featuring drug-free messaging
  • Advocate for state-wide drug-free workplace incentive programs
For more information about Drug-Free Work Week, visit the United States Department of Labor website. For more information about drug testing, visit our website.

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