Author: Pablo Bolaños


Winter Storm Stella may cause delays

March 14, 2017

Winter storm Stella may impact the logistics and transportation of workplace drug testing specimens and supplies drug testing kits and CCF forms.

International testing

Worldwide economic development and drug use

March 2, 2017

Socioeconomic status can influence how likely people around the world are to use drugs and alcohol.


Winter Storm Niko may cause delays

February 9, 2017

Severe snowstorm warnings are in effect for many parts of the northeastern United States.

We're There

We’re There with National Bobblehead Day

January 6, 2017

National Bobblehead Day is upon us and we're there with our own versions, celebrating team members who have contributed greatly to our success.

International testing

Navigating global drug testing webinar highlights

December 14, 2016

Quest Diagnostics experts clear the path towards creating a successful, drug-free workplace program abroad.

International testing

Webinar: Navigating global drug testing

November 10, 2016

Quest Diagnostics experts clear the path to creating a successful, drug-free workplace program abroad.


2016 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

October 14, 2016

In response to the alarming number of people misusing prescription drugs, the Drug Enforcement Agency began hosting the “Drug Take Back Day” in 2010.


Finding the ‘root’ of prescription drug addiction

October 11, 2016

As the prescription drug abuse epidemic continues, the source of the issue remains clear. Unused, over-prescribed narcotics.

International testing

Drug abuse spans the globe

October 3, 2016

What does the international drug use picture look like and what are the societal consequences associated with drug abuse and addiction abroad?


Marijuana remains a Schedule I controlled substance

August 22, 2016

Recently, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) denied two petitions to reschedule marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act.