Tag: blog

We're There

I’m There: Eric Werly

November 2, 2016

Eric Werly and his we’re there spirit go far beyond opening and closing the books each month.

Online Solutions

Time tested technology

October 28, 2016

Technology must be reliable to consistently deliver time and cost savings. Our system availability, or up-time, averages between 99.61% and 99.98%.


Red Ribbon Week: October 23-31

October 23, 2016

Red Ribbon Week serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.

Ask the Experts

Ask the Experts: Six Sigma quality

October 18, 2016

At Quest Diagnostics, Six Sigma means striving for a standard of quality near perfection and championing total customer satisfaction.


2016 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

October 14, 2016

In response to the alarming number of people misusing prescription drugs, the Drug Enforcement Agency began hosting the “Drug Take Back Day” in 2010.

By the Numbers

By The Numbers: Oral fluid positivity

October 12, 2016

Oral fluid positivity has surged in the past 3 years, largely driven by double-digit increases in marijuana positivity.


Finding the ‘root’ of prescription drug addiction

October 11, 2016

As the prescription drug abuse epidemic continues, the source of the issue remains clear. Unused, over-prescribed narcotics.


Important changes with eCCF

October 10, 2016

eCCF impacts the entire federally-regulated drug testing process. Read about important changes and how they can affect your drug testing program.


2016 National Drug-Free Work Week

October 10, 2016

This year’s annual observance of the National Drug-Free Work Week is October 10 through 15.

By the Numbers

By the Numbers: Positivity by drug

October 6, 2016

Detection rates of amphetamine, heroin and marijuana have increased annually for the past five years according to the Drug Testing Index.