Author: Pablo Bolaños
What to expect at a drug test collection
Don’t be caught by surprise! Learn what to expect during a drug test, including the strict guidelines collectors follow, before you take one.
Zika spotlight: Past, present, and future
Mosquito season is here and so is the Zika virus. Our spotlight takes look at how this virus went from a “mild” disease to a full blown epidemic.
An exploration of addiction: Young adults
Young adults are known to partake in risky behavior. But what are some of the consequences when weekend fun becomes life-altering.
Name That Drug: Seemingly Superhuman
Solve the mystery in the latest edition of the DATIA focus. Give the popular column a read and see if you can “Name That Drug.”
I’m There: Laron Nelson
Through unique stories from our team, you’ll get a more personal perspective of what that commitment means to them.
An exploration of addiction: The teen years
In this installment of our series, we examine how addiction can take hold when our brains are at their most vulnerable.
Side effects of quitting marijuana
What happens when a marijuana user stop taking the drug? Learn more about the three most common side effects associated with quitting.
2017 National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
On Saturday, April 29 safe disposal areas will be available throughout the country for anyone to turn in their unused prescription medications.
Drug test collections when you need them
When an individual cannot go to a brick and mortar location for a scheduled drug test collection, the only option may be an emergency, on-site collection.
Series: An exploration of addiction
In this new series, we will take a deeper dive into the science behind substance abuse disorders and addiction.