Author: Nicole Jupe
Drug testing brings possibility
One drug test can open up a world of opportunities and potentially change someone’s life. Watch our video series and meet Sandra, Matt, and Kate.
NLCP guidance on invalid specimens
HHS-certified labs reported a significant increase in the number of urine drug test specimens that were reported as invalid in the second half of 2017.
Ask the Experts: DOT 5-panel drug test regimen
If you do the math, the DOT 5-panel drug test regimen requires confirmation testing for a total of 14 drugs. Is there a new name for the drug test?
7 takeaways from our drug testing laws webinar
Industry expert Faye Caldwell discussed trends, recent drug testing laws, state marijuana legislation, and considerations for drug testing policies.
Guide for drug testing laws
Download our Guide for Drug Testing Laws as a reference to illustrate how drug testing laws can differ from state to state.
Recreational marijuana in Maine
On February 1, 2018, specific protections for employees or applicants, who use marijuana went into effect in Maine.
Webinar: Understanding drug testing laws
Employers turn to drug-free programs to help keep employees safe and productive; however they still have questions about running an effective program.
DOT random rates unchanged
The US Department of Transportation announced that the minimum annual drug testing rate for 2018 will remain at 25% and the alcohol rate will remain at 10%.
Opioid crisis: 174 lives lost daily
More than 63,600 people died from a drug overdose in 2016, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the CDC.
Ask the Experts: What is POCT?
POCT is an instant drug or alcohol test that typically yields a result within minutes. Consider all the criteria before choosing a test method.