Category: Drugs & Alcohol
Cannabis brief
Marijuana legislation in the United States is constantly changing. Understanding marijuana use statutes is important because its use, cultivation, and distribution can impact the general public, including the workforce.
Bumps, bananas, and other drug slang
Do you know the latest drug slang? A new DEA Intelligence Report details the newest slang terms for commonly-abused drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin.
Common questions about marijuana
Our experts answer common questions about marijuana related to science, drug testing, workplace policies, and state marijuana laws.
Fentanyl fuels rise in overdoses
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl ranks as the top substance involved in fatal overdoses and it is often mixed with cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.
Is marijuana addictive?
Marijuana legislation, coupled with changing pulic opinions, have created a gap in viable information about the drug's addictive properties.
America’s top beer-drinking holiday
July 4th is a day we celebrate our nations independence. Americans spent more than $1 billion on beer and an estimated $568 million in wine in 2016.
Benzodiazepines: the new drug crisis?
While our country faces the harsh realities of the opioid epidemic, benzodiazepines are also emerging as popular drugs of abuse. Bloomberg dubbed benzodiazepines, sometimes called “benzos,” as American’s next big drug problem
Accept the challenge: Drug-free work week
Help spread the word and encourage your organization to participate in the National Drug-Free Work Week, October 16-21.
10 facts about opioids
We compiled the most recent data and headlines about substance abuse, addiction, overdose deaths, and health consequences of America's opioid crisis.
What was in that brownie?
Consumption of marijuana edibles is becoming more common in the growing number of states that have legalized the drug's use.