Author: Pablo Bolaños

By the Numbers

By the Numbers: Customer support

July 9, 2020

In this edition of "By the Numbers," we look at the numerical values that enable our Customer Support team to serve our customers effectively.


Alcohol use and the workplace

June 23, 2020

Alcohol testing can help employers make decisions to help keep their employees safe and can help determine whether an individual is impaired from alcohol.


Electronic breath alcohol test (eBAT) now available

May 26, 2020

With an expanding collection site network, electronic breath alcohol testing, or eBAT, from an industry leader is now a reality.


Alcohol awareness month

April 29, 2020

Alcohol awareness month is in April, but our collective awareness of misusing alcohol should remain a year-round initiative.

Drug Testing

Drug test collections during the COVID-19 emergency

April 7, 2020

Quest Diagnostics continues to provide workplace drug and alcohol testing solutions while working to maintain a safe environment for donors and employees.


International drugs: Growing marijuana users

March 24, 2020

Nearly 188 million people use marijuana globally, making it the most-used illicit substance according to the World Drug Report.

Drug Testing

Random drug testing webinar

March 10, 2020

Experts uncover why random drug testing is beneficial to deter drug use in the workplace in this thorough review of the drug testing reason. Register now.

Drug Testing

The 5 panel drug test

March 3, 2020

The best building block for your drug-free work policy. The 5-panel drug test screens for the five most common drugs. It is the considered the standard.


Marijuana frequently asked questions

January 7, 2020

Whether it is about its legal status, its side effects, or if employers can drug test employees, questions are plentiful about marijuana. We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions to help you sift through the noise and get a true sense of the current state of marijuana.

Drugs & Alcohol

International drugs: Opioids and the worldwide epidemic

December 19, 2019

The opioid epidemic is not a uniquely American problem. In our new series, International Drugs, we take a closer look at opioid use around the world.