Author: Pablo Bolaños

Illicit drugs

10 facts you should know about marijuana

February 24, 2014

Ten facts on why marijuana, and its impact on workplaces and individuals is worthy of concern.

Ask the Experts

Ask the experts: The benefits of drug testing

January 20, 2014

Companies – large and small, public and private, regulated and non-regulated – would benefit from a workplace drug and alcohol testing program.

Ask the Experts

Ask the experts: Drug testing questions and answers

January 13, 2014

You’ve got questions, our drug testing professionals have answers. Our blog column aims to simplify the sometimes complicated drug testing industry.

Drug Testing

Starting a drug testing program – 3 key decisions

September 23, 2013

If you’re considering implementing a drug test program in your workplace, there are three main decisions you should seriously consider.


National treatment admissions for opiates increase

September 18, 2013

The percentage of admissions substance abuse treatment facilities for individuals who primarily abused opiates other than heroin increased.


Marijuana use continues to increase

September 12, 2013

According to the NSDUH survey, there has been a steady increase in marijuana users over the last four years.


National survey on drug use and health

September 6, 2013

The survey found that an estimated 23.9 million Americans had used an illicit drug during the month prior to the survey interview.