Tag: medical marijuana
Is medical marijuana safe?
While medical marijuana is gaining acceptance, there are questions about the impact of long-term use. How safe is marijuana, really?
Cannabis brief
Marijuana legislation in the United States is constantly changing. Understanding marijuana use statutes is important because its use, cultivation, and distribution can impact the general public, including the workforce.
Common questions about marijuana
Our experts answer common questions about marijuana related to science, drug testing, workplace policies, and state marijuana laws.
7 takeaways from our drug testing laws webinar
Industry expert Faye Caldwell discussed trends, recent drug testing laws, state marijuana legislation, and considerations for drug testing policies.
Webinar: Understanding drug testing laws
Employers turn to drug-free programs to help keep employees safe and productive; however they still have questions about running an effective program.
America’s favorite illicit drug: marijuana
As marijuana use increases in our society, drug testing continues to be an important tool for employers to maintain a safe, drug-free workplace.
Can employers still drug test for marijuana?
As the legal landscape surrounding marijuana continues to change, it is important for employers to establish a drug-free workplace policy.
What will legal marijuana cost employers
New whitepaper helps to address misconceptions about marijuana by presenting clear facts to employers about safety, compliance and recent litigation.
It’s time to revisit your workplace substance abuse policies
All workplace drug-testing programs should be a part of a clearly written, and current, policy that complies with relevant federal and state law.
New findings regarding marijuana in Colorado
The RMHIDTA has released its third volume in a series researching the impact of medicinal and recreational marijuana legalization in Colorado.