Tag: blog


DUI rates in the U.S. hit new low

January 27, 2017

Federal data shows that the percentage of people driving under the influence of alcohol fell to a 13-year low in the United States.

We're There

We’re There with National Bobblehead Day

January 6, 2017

National Bobblehead Day is upon us and we're there with our own versions, celebrating team members who have contributed greatly to our success.


2017 random drug testing rate

December 21, 2016

The minimum annual drug testing rate will remain at 25 percent for 2017.

Online Solutions

We’re There When You Need IT: ESP

December 19, 2016

The Employer Solutions Portal is a prime example of the way Quest Diagnostics incorporates customer needs and feedback into developing IT solutions.

By the Numbers

By the Numbers: Heroin positivity continues to rise

December 15, 2016

Heroin positivity increased 146% between 2011 and 2015 in the general U.S. workforce according to the Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index.

We're There

I’m There: Adam Rosenfeld

December 13, 2016

Adam Rosenfeld describes what we’re there when you need us means to him.


Drug and alcohol clearinghouse aims to make roads safer

December 8, 2016

FMCSA final rule will keep drivers that violate drug and alcohol testing requirements from operating a CMV with different employers.

By the Numbers

By the Numbers: Drug detection window by specimen type

December 5, 2016

How long can drugs be detected using a drug test? Our infographic helps to illustrate detection windows for urine, oral fluid and hair drug testing.


Shortage of drug-free job applicants

December 2, 2016

Many businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to find applicants who can pass a pre-employment drug test.

Drug Testing

Advocating for a drug-free school

November 17, 2016

High school policies are including random drug and alcohol testing and wellness initiatives to discourage drug use and to encourage early intervention.