Category: Drug Testing


Hair testing supplies stocked at collection sites

October 9, 2012

All Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Centers and Preferred Collection Sites will begin stocking hair drug testing collection supplies at their facilities.

Oral Fluid testing

Transition to Oral-Eze®

September 26, 2012

Quest Diagnostics introduced Oral-Eze, a new and improved laboratory-based, oral fluid testing system to the market last fall.

Urine testing

Oxycodone testing

September 11, 2012

Many opiates, such as Oxycodone and Hydrocodone, have seen a dramatic increase in abuse over the last several years.

Drug Testing

Stop drug test cheaters

August 22, 2012

Bill Current presented a webinar “Drug Test Cheaters: How They Do It and How to Stop Them” to discuss the best way to deter drug test cheaters.

Hair testing

Trucking and hair testing

August 13, 2012

More trucking companies are electing to perform a hair drug test in addition to the urine test.

Drug Testing

Drug test cheaters: How they do it and how to stop them

August 5, 2012

Bill Current presents a webinar, Drug Test Cheaters: How They Do It and How to Stop Them.

Oral Fluid testing

Test with confidence using Oral-Eze®

June 22, 2012

Our webinar, Test with confidence using Oral-Eze, discussed the benefits of oral fluid testing, collections, drug cutoffs and regulatory information.


Auditing improves the collection process

June 5, 2012

As part of our quality assurance program for collection sites, we conduct different types of audits at several key collection points.


Committed to collection quality

May 29, 2012

Our national network of Patient Service Center (PSC) collection sites perform more than 125,000 drug test collections each month.

Drug Testing

Webcast featured MRO alerts

May 24, 2012

Today we hosted a webcast to introduce our newest enhancement, MRO Note Alerts.