Tag: webinar
Prescription drug abuse webinar
ExamOne, a Quest Diagnostics company, will present a webcast called "Is Prescription Drug Abuse Affecting Your Mortality?"
Marijuana dilemma draws a crowd
“The Marijuana Dilemma: What Employers Should Know and What They Can Do About It” presented by drug testing industry expert Bill Current drew a crowd.
“The Marijuana Dilemma” webinar
The Marijuana Dilemma: What Employers Should Know and What They Can Do About It, was presented by Bill Current on December 13.
Stop drug test cheaters
Bill Current presented a webinar “Drug Test Cheaters: How They Do It and How to Stop Them” to discuss the best way to deter drug test cheaters.
Drug test cheaters: How they do it and how to stop them
Bill Current presents a webinar, Drug Test Cheaters: How They Do It and How to Stop Them.