671 Search Results for: new to drug testing

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Drug Testing

The 2024 Drug Testing Index™ is here!

May 15, 2024

The Drug Testing Index™ is an essential report for workforce drug testing trends since its inception in 1988. Discover this year's findings.

Oral Fluid testing

Employers are asking about oral fluid drug testing options, but why now?

April 11, 2024

Even though oral fluid drug testing has been around for more than 2 decades, many employers are taking it seriously for the first time.

Hair testing

Quest Diagnostics hair testing now includes specific testing for Fentanyl and Methadone

September 13, 2023

Recent enhancements to our hair testing panels now allow for more specific testing for Fentanyl and Methadone.

Drug Testing

How to use the Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index™ to make important drug-free workplace decisions

August 30, 2023

The DTI has practical application when considering the best options for a drug-free workplace drug testing program.

Ask the Experts

Expiring Federal Drug Testing CCF

August 16, 2023

Prepare now for the expiration of the old Federal CCF. Using old forms after this date may cause significant delays.

Drug Testing

What Every Employer Should Know About State Drug Testing Laws: Part 2

July 18, 2023

Not every state has a drug testing law, but most have workers’ and unemployment compensation regulations with drug testing laws language.

Drug Testing

What Every Employer Should Know About State Drug Testing Laws: Part 1

July 14, 2023

Employers have many questions about drug testing, That’s in part because no 2 state drug testing laws are exactly alike.

Drug Testing

Avoid testing delays – transition to the new DOT CCF

June 14, 2023

Current DOT CCFs are expiring soon. Proactively prepare for this change and double-check your paper CCF inventory today. Act now to avoid testing delays.

Drug Testing

Oral Fluid Drug Testing and Emerging Technologies

April 12, 2023

Oral fluid testing remains an important part of a drug-free workplace program with many benefits from the form of collection to industry-wide appeal.

Drug Testing

Navigating drug testing in the great resignation

February 8, 2023

It's more important than ever for employers to offer competitive hiring processes to find the best possible employees for their workplace.