Category: Illicit drugs
Employee protections in the era of medical marijuana legislation
Employee protections regarding marijuana can vary from state to state and whether or not employers have a duty to accommodate. View our map.
Some drug users can’t distinguish between right and wrong
Aside from being dangerous and highly addictive, cocaine and methamphetamine may also affect the moral judgment of users.
Drugged drivers pose a serious threat
Motorists now view drivers, who are under the influence of illicit drugs, as bigger threats than those driving under the influence of alcohol.
Can employers still drug test for marijuana?
As the legal landscape surrounding marijuana continues to change, it is important for employers to establish a drug-free workplace policy.
Why is heroin so addictive?
Users build up a tolerance to the drug and need larger amounts resulting in a cycle of deepening drug use eventually leading to full blown addiction
Popular ways adults use marijuana
Researchers analyzed data about how current adult users consume marijuana and whether the reason for use is medicinal or recreational.
Four in 10 Americans admit to using marijuana
The latest issue of CESAR FAX reports findings from a recent Gallup Poll where more than 1,000 Americans were asked if they have ever tried marijuana.
What will legal marijuana cost employers
New whitepaper helps to address misconceptions about marijuana by presenting clear facts to employers about safety, compliance and recent litigation.
New findings regarding marijuana in Colorado
The RMHIDTA has released its third volume in a series researching the impact of medicinal and recreational marijuana legalization in Colorado.
Drug positivity rates in D.C. arrestees decline
Data from the Pretrial Services Agency report reveals that the drug positivity rate in D.C. arrestees declined from 49 percent to 27 percent since 2006.