Tag: DATIA Focus magazine
DATIA focus: Drug use in America climbs in customer-facing industries
Drug use by the US workforce increased each year - and by double-digits over 2 years - between 2015 and 2017, in 5 of 16 major US industry sectors analyzed.
DATIA focus: Why Brazil Chose Hair Drug Testing
The Brazilian government faced challenges to reduce traffic fatalities and decrease drug use by drivers. Read more in DATIA focus.
Name that Drug: The way you make me feel
DATIA focus features a regular, popular column titled, “Name that Drug." The latest edition was written by Dawn Hahn at Quest Diagnostics.
Name that Drug: A stimulating psychoactive perspective
DATIA focus features a regular column titled, “Name that Drug” where interesting facts about a mystery drug are described.
Dissecting the data
Dr. Barry Sample, Quest Diagnostics, pours through the numbers in his DATIA Focus article “Assessing Drug Use Trends in the United States.”
Name that drug: Fast and dangerous siblings
The latest edition of “Name that Drug” was written by Dr. Rody Predescu M.D., Operations Director at Quest Diagnostics.
Name that drug: Methadone
The Name that Drug column in DATIA Focus magazine asks readers to guess the mystery substance. Did you know it was methadone?
DATIA focus features Dr. Barry Sample
DATIA Focus magazine is featuring our very own Dr. Barry Sample, Director of Science and Technology, in its Getting to Know article this quarter.