Tag: blog
Drug-impaired drivers on our roads
Approximately 20% of surveyed drivers tested positive for potentially impairing drugs, according to research from the NHTSA. Marijuana ranks second after alcohol.
Preventing drug-related workplace accidents
Post-accident drug positivity has been increasing annually since 2011. Workplace accidents are expensive and dangerous; however, with workplace drug testing programs in place, many may be prevented.
Employers weigh in on illicit opioid use at work
An NSC poll highlights how employers handle the opioid crisis and the support needed for opioids-related issues in the workplace.
Drug Testing Savings Calculator tabulates ROI
Our Drug Testing Savings Calculator helps companies evaluate the return on their drug testing investment. Try it out for yourself.
DATIA focus: Drug use in America climbs in customer-facing industries
Drug use by the US workforce increased each year - and by double-digits over 2 years - between 2015 and 2017, in 5 of 16 major US industry sectors analyzed.
Workforce drug testing positivity climbs to its highest rate since 2004
Workforce drug testing positivity climbs to its highest rate since 2004, according to the latest data from the Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index.
Ask the experts: what is a direct observation drug test collection?
Drug test collections are a critical part of the drug testing process. Ensuring the integrity of specimens collected is equally as important.
Opioids on our roads
Research shows that prescription opioids are increasingly implicated as a contributing cause of fatal motor vehicle accidents.
I’m There: Derrick Bates
Derrick Bates subscribes to the belief that teamwork drives success and he plays an important role in keeping our IT systems working properly.
Cannabidiol and drug tests
Maybe. CBD itself would not report positive on a drug test for marijuana or marijuana metabolite. In some states, CBD may contain up to 5% THC. If the CBD product contains THC at a sufficiently high concentration, it is possible that the use of these products could cause a positive urine drug test result.