Tag: take back day
2016 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
In response to the alarming number of people misusing prescription drugs, the Drug Enforcement Agency began hosting the “Drug Take Back Day” in 2010.
2016 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
As a public service and in response to the alarming number of people misusing prescription drugs, the DEA began its Drug Take Back Day in 2010.
2014 Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible way for individuals to dispose of unused prescription drugs.
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day 2014
By participating in this event, the DEA is contributing to public safety by helping to rid communities of drugs that could lead to accidental overdoses and abuse.
National Take-Back initiative scheduled for October 29
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) set October 29 as a National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.