Tag: marijuana myths

Illicit drugs

Debunking 5 popular marijuana myths

September 29, 2020

Facts based on decades of research on the effects of cannabis in humans have helped to debunk many modern day marijuana myths.


International drugs: Growing marijuana users

March 24, 2020

Nearly 188 million people use marijuana globally, making it the most-used illicit substance according to the World Drug Report.

Under the influence

Under the influence: Marijuana

June 28, 2018

Marijuana is said to be safe, to be harmless, and even contain health benefits to those who consume it. We offer some facts surrounding the drug and what users may expect when consuming the illicit substance as we continue our series "Under the Influence"

Illicit drugs

Four in 10 Americans admit to using marijuana

November 10, 2015

The latest issue of CESAR FAX reports findings from a recent Gallup Poll where more than 1,000 Americans were asked if they have ever tried marijuana.


What will legal marijuana cost employers

November 2, 2015

New whitepaper helps to address misconceptions about marijuana by presenting clear facts to employers about safety, compliance and recent litigation.


Busting the top 10 marijuana myths

October 31, 2014

The Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association developed a brochure that highlights the common myths surrounding marijuana use.