Category: Drugs & Alcohol
Alcohol use and the workplace
Alcohol testing can help employers make decisions to help keep their employees safe and can help determine whether an individual is impaired from alcohol.
Alcohol awareness month
Alcohol awareness month is in April, but our collective awareness of misusing alcohol should remain a year-round initiative.
International drugs: Growing marijuana users
Nearly 188 million people use marijuana globally, making it the most-used illicit substance according to the World Drug Report.
Data shows rising methamphetamine use
Methamphetamine is more dangerous than ever. Data from the CDC shows an alarming uptick of overdose deaths associated with meth use.
Illinois amends cannabis-related laws
Employers in Illinois should consult with their local legal counsel to determine the impact of the amended act on marijuana and drug testing programs.
Marijuana frequently asked questions
Whether it is about its legal status, its side effects, or if employers can drug test employees, questions are plentiful about marijuana. We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions to help you sift through the noise and get a true sense of the current state of marijuana.
International drugs: Opioids and the worldwide epidemic
The opioid epidemic is not a uniquely American problem. In our new series, International Drugs, we take a closer look at opioid use around the world.
Marijuana in the workplace: National Safety Council’s new position
In its new position, the National Security Council urges employers to implement policies stating no amount of cannabis consumption is acceptable for those who work in safety-sensitive positions.
Workplace drug testing policies and marijuana legalization
Employers can continue to drug test for marijuana. As states legalize marijuana, our experts offer some important considerations for your company as you write or revise your drug testing policy.
A growing – and changing – crop
Marijuana itself has evolved from the mildly potent ditch weed of the 1960s and 70s, to a potent and potentially dangerous narcotic.