Synthetic drugs

DEA operation log jam

July 31, 2012

The DEA's Operation Log Jam was the first-ever nationwide law enforcement action against synthetic drugs.

Synthetic drugs

Bloomberg Businessweek – Synthetic highs

July 12, 2011

Synthetic drugs using legal compounds but mimic the highs from marijuana to cocaine are proliferating among do-it-yourself pharma labs across the US.

Synthetic drugs

Synthetic cannabinoid webinar recording

June 21, 2011

A recording of the seminar and presentation are now available online.

Synthetic drugs

Webinar: K2, spice, bath salts, etc.

June 3, 2011

What Employers need to know about "Synthetic Cannabinoids", "Bath Salts" and other "Legal Highs".


Chemicals used in spice/k2 type products now under federal regulation

March 8, 2011

Today, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration exercised its emergency scheduling authority to control five chemicals used to make K2 and spice.