Tag: blog
Random testing and your bottom line
As companies feel the pinch caused by a sputtering economy, some may be tempted to discontinue or reduce drug testing in an effort to save money.
HHS guidelines date changed to 10/1/10
Earlier this month we published this article indicating that there may be a delay in the effective date of the HHS guideline change.
Product feature – Hair testing
Quest Diagnostics is committed to providing your company with a complete array of drug testing options.
2010 Fortune 500 rankings
The recent release of the Fortune 500 list included a trio of Quest Diagnostics mentions:
Drug test cheating device maker sentenced
The California man who ran the company that sold the Whizzinator, was sentenced to six months in federal prison.
50 most powerful physician executives
Quest Diagnostics Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jon Cohen was named to the 2010 Modern Healthcare Top 50 Physician Executives.
International drug test collections
Quest Diagnostics is committed to providing your company with the widest variety of specimen collection options throughout the world.
Upcoming HHS panel changes
Many companies remain highly interested in the upcoming Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) new Mandatory Guidelines and DOT rules.
Expanded opiate testing
Some opiates, such as Oxycodone and Hydrocodone, have seen a rise in abuse over the past several years.
Six steps to a drug-free workplace
No industry is free from the negative impact of substance abuse.